What is The Purpose of A Throwing Axe?

Jairus Nadab
4 min readNov 7, 2022


throwing axe

A throwing axe is a tool that is used to throw at targets. It is a type of axe that is designed specifically for throwing, and as such, it is usually heavier and has a longer handle than a standard axe. These axes are also often smaller in size so that they can be more easily thrown.

These axes are often used in competition and in recreational activities. There are many different types of axe available on the market, but they all share some common features. All axes have a handle that is designed to be gripped by the user, and a head that is designed to strike the target. The head of the axe is usually made from metal, and the weight of the head can vary depending on the type of axe.

They are typically thrown using an overhand or sidearm technique. The overhand technique is when the user holds the axe above their head and then brings it down toward the target. The sidearm technique is when the user holds the axe at their side and then throws it horizontally at the target.

When choosing an axe, it is important to consider the weight of the head and the length of the handle. Heavier heads will require more energy to throw, but they will also be more likely to stick in the target. Lighter heads will be easier to throw, but they may not have as much stopping power. Longer handles will give you more leverage when throwing, but they may be more difficult to control.

An Overview of History

The throwing axe has a long and storied history, dating back to ancient times. Early examples have been found in the remains of Viking settlements. These axes were also popular among Native American tribes, who used them for hunting and warfare. The modern axe is a descendant of these ancient weapons.

The throwing axe is believed to have originated in Scandinavia, where it was known as the “ Danish axe” or “ Viking axe”. The first throwing axes were made of stone and were used by the Vikings in battle. The Vikings were skilled in using the throwing axe as a weapon of war and used it to great effect in battles against their enemies.

If you’re interested in trying your hand at throwing an axe, there are many places where you can learn how. There are also competitions held annually around the world, where people of all skill levels compete against each other.

Purpose of Throwing Axe

The throwing axe is a weapon that has been used in warfare and hunting for centuries. The first recorded use of this axe dates back to the Stone Age when it was used as a weapon of war. In ancient times, this axe was also used as a tool for hunting animals.

This axe continued to be used as a weapon of war during the Middle Ages. It was especially popular among the knights of medieval Europe who used it to great effect in battle. The axe remained a popular weapon throughout the Renaissance period and into the modern era. This axe is still used as a weapon of war by some militaries, and it is also popular among sports throwers and hobbyists.

Today, they are primarily used for sport and recreation, but some people still use them for self-defense or as tools for bushcraft and survival. These axes are often made of metal, with a sharpened edge on one side and a blunt back side. They are designed to be balanced and aerodynamic so that they can be thrown with accuracy and force.

Does Throwing Axe Still Exist?

While this axe may not be as common as they once were, there are still many people who use them regularly. Whether for competition or simply for fun, an axe is still a popular activity for many. There are a few different types of an axe, but the most common is the freestyle throwing axe. This type of axe is designed for use in competitions and has a slightly different weight and balance than other types of throwing axe.

Whether you’re looking to compete or just have some fun, picking up an axe for throwing purposes can be a great way to spend some time. And yes, these weapons are still in use today. While they are not as common as they once were, they are still used by many people for various purposes. These axes can be used for competition, recreation, or even self-defense.

