The Brass Knuckle Knife and its Gory History!

Jairus Nadab
5 min readJun 13, 2019


Brass knuckles are one of the chicest and cool weapons nowadays but are they are the invention of today’s era or not? Brass knuckles became popular during the trench wars when the brass knuckle knife was used as the most suitable weapon for trench wars. Knuckles are actually bits of metals that are molded as knuckles so they would fit precisely on them. Their primary design is to convey great and substantial punches by amplifying the general intensity of an individual’s punch.

A metal knuckle blade utilizes a similar idea and has knuckles appended to its handle. This handle configuration enables the holder to have an increasingly secure and solid grasp of the blade. It additionally results in progressively fierce and incredible pushes and cutting and that is the reason a metal knuckle blade is viewed as the best blade for wounding and pushing.

Knuckle Dusters: The Deadly Weapons

So I was stating that these knuckle dusters are magnificent weapons of individual protection and so is a brass knuckle knife. They don’t require much exertion; one single punch can likewise do the trick in having the issue settled down in the blink of an eye.

All you got the opportunity to do is get familiar with several cool punches. While you are busy making a point to keep the punching wrist straight while you keep the striking arm at a bent edge. You should ensure that you confer harm to your potential aggressor alone while keeping your wrist and finger sheltered and solid. Trust me, these astonishing knuckles don’t just look great in battling motion pictures, they are better, all things considered, as well.

Just as of now make yourself free to search for stunning, genuine and coolest knuckles available to be purchased. Keep them in your pockets all the time as a self-defense weapon and if necessary, make your assailant feel the intensity of your strong punch. However, look into the laws of your state before buying them and the same goes for a brass knuckle knife.

The History of Brass Knuckle Knife

A brass knuckle knife, just like knuckle dusters is said to have an extremely bloody history. Whenever weapons and different guns were not effectively open to everybody, at that point the brass knuckle knives were utilized as a weapon in wars. All things considered, that is a direct result of the way that they were utilized broadly in the trench war frameworks in World War 1.

These blades are flawless to be utilized in close quarter battles. Returning to the point, truly, they work best in close quarter commitment and their outcomes are very fatal. These blades were utilized in those days to bring down the channel line of the adversary. Indeed, even after World War 1, the brass knuckle knife was utilized broadly in World War 2.

In any case, the first plan and structure of the first metal knuckle blade kept on developing and become better throughout the long periods of its utilization. In the war, aside from the metal forgers, the officers used to develop these knuckle knives for themselves as well. There were basic channel cuts too and after that, there were pikes as well. Be that as it may, the metal knuckle blades were the well known and most mainstream among all.

The First Brass Knuckle Knife

The principal trench knife to be utilized by the military was made by a lieutenant colonel of the French Army. Before long a short time later, the US military built their very own brass knuckle knife and named it the Mark 1 knuckle knife.

This first blade had knuckle dusters in bronze shading appended to its handle. From officers to marine looters to the general population of the aviation-based armed forces, the Mark 1 brass knuckle knife was given to everybody. The blade was utilized for various purposes:

  • The first one was that this designed facilitated in the protection of knuckles of a person’s hand and was used for self-defense
  • The second one was that it was used to throw classy punches as the handle of the brass knuckle knife was designed like a knuckle duster.

These knives were very viable in the trench war frameworks since they had the option to dive in the middle of tight regions and spaces. They were likewise quiet as they don’t deliver boisterous commotions and blasts like discharges. These blades were simply the best when it came barrier and war however sadly they didn’t demonstrate to be much value as a utility instrument. The knuckle duster knives are a bit of history however they are still generally accessible in stores and you can without much of a stretch to get one for yourself. Yet, dependable use it astutely!

The Greek and the Romans

On the off chance that you skim through history books and diaries, at that point, you will come to realize that the very renowned brass knuckles were structured after the glove of the Roman warriors. This glove or handguard was known as “caestus”.

The warriors of Rome used to wear these gloves to ensure their hands against damage and agony during battles and battles. Additionally, these gloves were not simply straightforward and normal gloves, they were intended to toss ideal punches to the rival and exacted more agony than conventional gloves would.

There was not one sort of caestus, rather there were such a large number of various varieties of it accessible around then. One specific structure was to tie ties of cowhide around the delivery request to amplify the intensity of the punch. The other methodology was to connect metal balls on these calfskin ties to amplify the damage on the adversary.

Notwithstanding, a portion of the even had nails joined to the calfskin ties as opposed to metal balls. In this way, you can envision how risky these caesti were and they established the framework of the cutting edge metallic knuckle reinforcements.

The brass knuckle knife is a very deadly blade. This knife has an edge like an ordinary blade yet it is extremely sharp and winds up on a pointed tip. Its most distinctive element is its cutting edge and that is the means by which it got its name as well. A metal knuckle blade has knuckles connected to its handle.

These knuckles are comprised of metal and give an extremely secure and advantageous grasp of the blade. Additionally, these knuckle connected to the handle of a metal knuckle blade were utilized to toss punches too. In this way, yes you can say that it is a two of every one weapons and an in all respects dangerous one also. Because of its danger and viability, it turned out to be well known in channel wars.

