Old and Modern Types of Stun Guns

Jairus Nadab
4 min readOct 17, 2022


stun gun

Stun guns are a type of weapon that delivers a high-voltage and low-amperage shock to an attacker. This stun gun temporarily disables an attacker by overloading their nervous system. While types of stun guns are legal in most states, there are some places where they are restricted. It’s essential to know the laws in your area before you purchase a stun gun.

These guns are a type of non-lethal self-defense weapon that uses an electric shock to disable an attacker temporarily. The electric shock disrupts the assailant’s nervous system, causing them to become disoriented and lose muscle control. This provides the victim with an opportunity to escape or call for help.

While stun guns are generally considered to be safe and effective, there is always a risk of serious injury or death if they are used improperly. It is important to familiarize yourself with the proper use of stun guns before carrying one for self-defense.

Old and Latest Types:

Stun guns come in a variety of shapes and sizes, and each has its own unique capabilities. The most common type of stun gun is the hand-held stun gun, which is designed to be used at close range.

These stun guns typically have a small metal prong that delivers a high-voltage shock when it comes into contact with an attacker. There are different types of stun guns: the taser, the baton, the wand, the pepper spray gun, the flashlight, the cellphone guns, and the miniguns.

  • Taser Guns

The taser is the most common type of stun gun. It is a small, hand-held device that delivers a powerful electric shock to an attacker. The taser can be used at a distance of up to 15 feet, and it is especially effective against assailants who are wearing thick clothing.

  • Baton Guns

The baton is a larger, heavy-duty version of the taser. It can be used to strike an assailant with a powerful electric shock, or it can be used as a physical weapon to subdue an attacker. The baton is also effective at a distance of up to 15 feet.

  • Wand Guns

The wand is a long, thin rod that delivers a powerful electric shock when it comes into contact with an assailant. The wand can be used as a physical weapon to strike an assailant, or it can be held against an attacker’s body to deliver a debilitating shock. The wand is also effective at a distance of up to 15 feet.

  • Pepper Spray Guns

The pepper spray gun is a non-lethal weapon that fires a stream of capsaicin (pepper) spray at an assailant. The capsaicin causes extreme pain and temporary blindness, giving you time to escape or call for help.

  • Flashlight Guns

The flashlight style is also common and is often used as a self-defense tool. These stun guns look like regular flashlights but have a solid electrical charge that can disable an attacker.

  • Cellphone Guns

The cell phone style is becoming more popular as a self-defense tool. These stun guns look like regular cell phones but have a powerful electrical charge that can disable an attacker.

Mini Guns

The mini stun gun is the smallest type of stun gun and is often used as a keychain or purse accessory. These stun guns are small but pack a powerful punch and can help you escape from an attacker.

Self-Defense Benefits:

While different types of stun guns are often thought of as a weapon for law enforcement, they can also be valuable tools for self-defense. When used properly, stun guns can disable an attacker long enough for you to escape or get help. There are several benefits to using a stun gun for self-defense:

1. They are easy to use. Simply point and shoot to deliver a debilitating electric shock.

2. They are non-lethal. While the electric shock will temporarily disable an attacker, it will not kill them.

3. They can be used from a distance. Unlike pepper spray or a Taser, which require you to be close to your attacker, stun guns can be used from a safe distance.

4. They are relatively inexpensive. Stun guns can be found for under $100, making them an affordable option for self-defense.

5. They are small and portable. Most stun guns can fit in your purse or pocket, making them easy to carry with you wherever you go.

