In What Ways do Brass Knuckles Benefit You?

Jairus Nadab
4 min readOct 14, 2022


Brass Knuckle

Brass knuckles are a type of weapon that consists of a band of metal that is shaped to fit around the knuckles. They can be made from brass, aluminum, or other metals. They are often used in hand-to-hand combat situations or as a tool for intimidation. Despite their popularity, knuckles are actually illegal in many states and countries.

These knuckles are metal hand-held weapons that have finger holes to fit over the fingers and often have spikes on the front. They increase the damage of punches by adding weight to the blows and can be used in close-quarters combat when other weapons are not available.

While often associated with criminal elements, these weapons can be used by anyone in a self-defense situation. They are easy to conceal and can be an effective way to level the playing field when facing a larger or more aggressive opponent.

Knuckles have Long Violent History

Knuckles have a long and violent history. They were first used in the late 1800s by American Gangsters and were popularized in the Prohibition era. Brass knuckles are still used today by street gangs and other criminals as a weapon to inflict serious injuries. These knuckles are also known as "knuckle dusters" or simply "knuckles".

They are metal finger rings that fit over the knuckles and have sharp protrusions on the inside that can cause serious cuts and bruises. They are illegal in many states, but that has not stopped them from being widely available for purchase online. Despite their violent history, knuckle dusters can also be seen as a fashion accessory, with some people wearing them as jewelry.

Celebrities like Rihanna and Miley Cyrus have been photographed wearing knuckles, adding to their controversial image. In more recent history, brass knuckles have been favored by street gangs and criminals looking for a weapon that is easy to conceal and can do a lot of damage.

In the early 20th century, American police forces began cracking down on the use of knuckles, and they remain illegal in many states today. Despite their illegality, these knuckles continue to be popular among those who are looking for a quick and easy way to inflict serious harm on another person.

Aspects of Use and Benefits:

Brass knuckles are a great tool for self-defense. They are easy to carry and conceal and can be very effective in deterring an attacker. These knuckles can also be used as a weapon in a fight. They can inflict serious damage on an opponent, and can even kill if used with enough force. They are simple yet effective tools that can be used for self-defense or to inflict harm on someone else.

There are many ways to use knuckles, depending on the situation. For example, they can be used to deliver a powerful punch in a street fight or to help you escape from a mugger. They can also be used as a weapon in close-quarters combat situations. In addition to being used as a weapon, brass knuckles can also be used for other purposes such as opening bottles and cans, breaking windows, and even opening doors.

When it comes to self-defense, brass knuckles can give you the edge you need to defend yourself against an attacker. They can help you disable an attacker long enough to make your escape or call for help. These knuckles can also be used to deter an attacker by making them think twice about attacking you. Overall, knuckle dusters are versatile weapons that offer many benefits.

Knuckles as Cosplay Weapons!

Brass knuckles are often used in cosplay, as they can add an extra bit of realism to a costume. They can also be used for protection in case of a fight. These knuckles come in many different styles, so you can find a pair that fits your cosplay outfit perfectly. They have been around for centuries, and they're as popular as ever.

People love them for their looks, and they're also a great addition to any cosplay outfit. There are a few things you need to know before you buy knuckles for cosplay. First, they're not legal in all states, so be sure to check your local laws before purchasing. Second, they can be dangerous if used improperly, so be sure to read up on how to use them safely.

With that said, knuckle dusters are a great way to add some flair to your cosplay outfit. They can make you look challenging and intimidating, which is perfect for certain characters. Just be sure to use them responsibly and stay safe!

