How to play Nunchucks: Basic Techniques for Beginners

Jairus Nadab
3 min readMay 11, 2022



Nunchucks are a traditional martial arts weapon and self-defense device consisting of two sticks connected at one end by a short chain or rope. The “sticks” are usually about two feet long and eight inches wide, with a weight on the end of each stick.

They may also be called “nunchaku” or “shichiku”, which translates as “double whip” in Japanese. The nunchaku was traditionally made of wood or metal, but modern variants are often made out of Kevlar, carbon fiber composite materials.

These weapons were first used by the ancient Jiaozhun and Wudang Buddhists of China. The nunchaku’s use in modern times is primarily as a martial arts weapon, but it has also been used as a self-defense device.

The Nunchaku Techniques

There are two short sticks attached by a rope or chain to make up the nunchaku. An attacker can be disoriented and injured quickly with this traditional martial arts weapon.

Karate demonstrations and tournaments are often filled with flashy nunchaku techniques. Start by practicing some of the basics before attempting complicated nunchaku moves. Using nunchaku connected by a rope can prevent serious injuries.

  • Helicopter Spin

You can practice rotating the nunchaku quickly using the helicopter spin if you use your wrist. As you practice the helicopter spin, hold the stick near the rope with your right hand with one end of the weapon in your left hand.

Raising your right arm high above your head, raise the nunchaku high above your head. Using the kendo nunchaku, spin the other end like a helicopter propeller. You should now extend your right arm sideways and out in front of you while you continue to twirl the nunchaku. You should now do the same for the left arm.

  • Switch to Arm

Whenever a novice picks up a nunchaku, one of the first moves they attempt is the arm switch. The downside of this technique is that, if you perform it incorrectly, you can hit yourself in the head. The move is performed by holding one side of the nunchucks in the right hand. Over your right shoulder, flip the other end of the rope backward.

Use your left hand to reach forward across your front. You are holding the nunchaku with your left hand under your right arm. The right hand should be released from the nunchaku and the left hand should be used to begin this on the left side of your body. As you switch sides, you should increase speed gradually.

  • Figure 8 Technique

Nunchaku techniques like Figure Eight are extremely popular. The move is good for striking an opponent or confounding them. Figure Eight is performed by holding one of the sides of the nunchucks in your right hand. Imagine drawing a sideways 8 with the nunchaku, or the infinity symbol.

While performing this technique, you should not make large arm movements. Make quick movements with the nunchaku using your wrist. You can then try reversing the direction and practicing it with the other hand once you feel more confident with this technique.

  • Rolling your Hands

There are a few more advanced nunchaku techniques like the hand roll. With this technique, you can change the grip of your weapon very quickly. The nunchaku’s top should be held near the rope while performing this move.

The other side of the nunchaku should cross the back of your right hand as you flip it over. Once you flip your nunchaku, let go of one side and catch the other as it passes around your hand. Using your hand, flip the nunchaku in the opposite direction to return to the starting position.

The Nunchaku: Tool for Survival!

Assume that you are a defender in a real-life scenario. Assume that you are walking alone. As you turn around, you see someone approaching. You see a knife in the individual’s hand. The knife is clearly intended to be used on you by his words and actions. The street leads nowhere.

As a result, it is impossible to escape. The only thing you have at your disposal is a nunchaku. As you stand facing your attacker, you grasp the stick. During that incredibly short time interval, you have to decide what you’ll do and what nunchaku techniques you will use.

