How Can You Protect Yourself With Brass Knuckles?

Jairus Nadab
3 min readApr 13, 2022


brass knuckle

Brass knuckles are the weapon of choice for an array of villains in film and television. From The Joker to Jack Bauer, they’ve become icons of violence. And despite the fact knuckle dusters haven’t been used by law enforcement since 1835, they’re still a tool that can be found readily available on the internet.

These weapons can be made from all kinds of metal, including steel and other alloys, but the ones most often used in movies and TV are nickel-plated steel. The shape is tipped with hardened steel to make it more damaging.

Brass Knuckles are Defensive Weapons,

A weapon made up of metal strips and sometimes leather wrapped around two fist-sized fists or two “knuckle dusters”, knuckles are most often used as defensive weapons during physical altercations.

They aren’t the most efficient weapon, but brass knuckles are a popular item for villains to wield in films because of the way they look. This is also because these knuckles have been used in New York City since 1835 and were outlawed by police as a weapon in 1986 due to their popularity in movies.

The appeal of the knuckle dusters is that they look like an ordinary hand covering. They look like two knuckles and are hardened metal strips that have been twisted, welded, or otherwise shaped into the fist shape.

Knuckle Duster: Main Reason for Having One

Designed to improve punching power, knuckle dusters are a tough defensive and offensive weapon that improves the strength of the wearer’s fist. The typical fight involves the participants forming a fist by dragging their fingers across the palm and pressing their thumbs against their forefingers.

The ultimate tool for self-defense, these knuckles will not let you down. Wearing this will allow you to deliver a powerful punch, saving your life. Getting severely injured makes it impossible for your enemy to attack you or hurt you again. However, you must learn how to use them effectively. When you get good at doing so, you can save yourself easily.

Knuckle Dusters Have their Pros

  • With this weapon, you will be able to effectively deal with someone physically attacking you. Even more so if you use the knuckle with maximum aggression and surprise.

Basically, all you have to do is wear a knuckle and punch the opponent with your closed fist, and there you have it. You can stop the attacker by severely injuring him with this weapon and win the fight that way.

  • The knuckle duster is a great weapon to have on hand in an emergency if you always keep it close at hand. Although it can be very useful when defending yourself, this kind of weapon is not effective when left on your nightstand at home.

Additionally, burying it in a purse will make it hard to use. Whenever you find yourself in a vulnerable position, consider wearing or keeping your knuckle.

  • There are several states in which it is legal to use a weapon against someone who pulls a knuckle duster on you. In other words, it’s also clear that you both made a mistake, so you should be aware of the safety implications of using your brass knuckles in the circumstances.

Knuckles Also Have Some Cons

  • In some communities, carrying brass knuckles is illegal. Please be careful about using knuckles and make sure the state where you live allows it.
  • Getting hit with a knuckle’s punch can be deadly and you may be charged with a crime. Remember that it’s for defensive purposes only.

It’s Possible for Knuckles to Hurt the Wearer, Be Careful

As a tool, self-defense weapon, display item, a jewelry piece, and accessory, a brass knuckle is an amazing weapon. This brass item is regarded as one of the most powerful tools. It certainly is! A couple of punches with it in somebody’s face can cause some serious damage, as it is a lethal weapon.

As All things have some disadvantages, extra precautions and safety measures need to be taken when using these types of weapons. It is possible to even hurt yourself if you use them improperly. They can cause pain in the fingers and knuckles. After practicing with them, you can begin using them.

