Essential Things Everyone Should Know About the Ninja Stars
Ninja stars are quite popular these days as self defense weapons and cosplay weapons. Many cosplayers use these stars as their cosplay items while intimidating the Ninjas. Ninjas were one of the warriors hailed from Japan who are still famous for their use of certain incredible weapons. Ninja stars are among these weapons that are still solid in the market. However, these are not the original, ancient stars, but the replica stars.
Many people have adopted ninja stars as the self defense weapons. They can be thrown from a safe distance away from the attacker, Hence, those who are afraid of getting closer to the attacker can use these weapons to inflict injuries to the attacker and escape the situation to save themselves from a brutal attack.
A ninja star, as it sounds, is shaped like a star with quite a few edges. These edges work as blades or spikes for causing some sort of injury. The target for these stars must be the face or eyes in order to cause a maximum damage. How much do you know about these ancient weapons? Let us reveal some key facts about them!
Different Names Associated with the Ninja Stars
Ninja stars is not the only name of these stars. There are plenty of other names associated with them. In the Asian countries, especially in Japan and China, they are often called Shuriken. Many Americans know them as the Chinese throwing stars. At times, they are also regarded as just the Throwing Stars because the real purpose of these stars was to thrown them on the enemies to cause injuries to their heads. Ninja throwing stars is the most common name associated with these stars due to the use of these stars by the Ninja warriors.
Originated in Japan
There have been many stories regarding Ninja stars. A few people believe that they were first used by the Chinese. However, most of the historians agree that they were originated in Japan. A popular story revolves around the Ninjas as the historians suggest that Ninjas were the earliest to use these throwing stars. This is perhaps a reason behind the name of these weapons.
Used As Tactical Tools
The evidences from the history suggest that ninja stars were used as the tactical tools during battles. Their real purpose was maiming rather than killing the enemies. The killing actions were still served by the swords. Hence, these stars were the secondary weapons. The Ninjas could cause distraction by throwing these stars to gain an upper hand in the battle. The stars would often struck at the heads at a rapid pace and flew away leaving the victims unsure about what hit them. This gave an advantage to the ninjas who would then launch a surprise attack and win the battle in the end. So, this worked as a perfect war tactic.
Intended for Causing Slight Injuries Rather Than Killing
The Ninjas were always equipped with such stars that were thrown on the enemies to cause injuries. The targets were the heads, faces and the eyes of the enemies. As the stars features edges, they had the potential to cause serious injuries at times. However, they were not the primary killing weapons, katana swords were. These stars could blow out heads and noses because there were edges and blades featured on them. At times, these stars were embedded in the ground in order to cause injuries to the feet of the enemies as they step onto them.
Ninja Stars Have Diverse Shapes
When it comes to shapes and designs of the ninja stars, there is not a single specific shape. The stars had different shapes with different number of edges on them. A few would have just a couple, a few would have four and a few would even have eight to ten.
Different Types of Ninja Stars
Throughout the history, there have been different types of ninja stars manufactured. The earliest being the Bo Shuriken which were the straighter spike like blades. These stars resembled the spears. Then, there were the Hira Shuriken that featured thinner plates. So, these were some key facts associated with the Ninja stars that everyone must know.