A Few Famous and Effective Hidden Blades for Self Defense

Jairus Nadab
4 min readOct 13, 2022


hidden blades

We don’t know about you, but for us, the worst part of wearing our Halloween costumes is always the time when we have to take off our face and masks. What a pain! That’s why we think that hidden ones are the best kind of costume accessory! These small knives, disguised in fingertips or hairpieces, allow you to enjoy all the fun of being a ninja without leaving your own hands behind.

Plus, they are so easy to hide and bring out at will! The idea is that if you’re ever found by an intruder, you can just start slicing away right away. You can even choose between different styles such as swords or pikes and add some variety into your traditional Zombie costume too.

The Creation of Hidden Tools

In the year 1541, a Spanish man named Francisco de Vitoria created a fencing style designed for when no weapons are available. This system of fighting was called “Escrima”. It was said to have been originally developed from watching monkeys in the forest fight with their barbed sticks and bladed leaves.

In 1602, Sir Kenelm Digby is believed to have been the first person to invent a true concealed blade knife. However, it wasn’t until 1795 that an actual knife like what we know today was made. Since then, “hidden blades” have grown in popularity among criminals not just because they’re easier to conceal but because they are highly effective weapons in close range combat.

Hidden Blades for Self Defense

We’ve all seen the movies, where a masked villain surprises their unsuspecting victim with a blade from their pocket. This is an effective way of fighting crime, and it is illegal to carry concealed weapons in New York City, like knives or swords. However, you can still enjoy carrying a hidden tool for self defense without breaking the law!

The best part about these stylish knives? They can be easily carried on your person and you will never have to worry about anyone noticing it — they blend into most clothing styles seamlessly and don’t cause any unsightly bulges.

1. Comb Knives

In recent years, the world has been enamored with knives. Some people collect them, some use them as art pieces, and others just love to talk about them. We are going to be exploring a niche part of this trend: comb knives. No, these aren’t hair combs that escaped from the bathroom and went on a murderous rampage. These are actually knives.

In fact, comb knives are pretty self-explanatory. They’re just like regular pocket knives except that instead of a blade on one side, there’s a comb on the other. Comb knives first appeared in the 18th century, mostly in Britain and France.

These were pocket-sized folding (and often double) hidden blades with a comb on one side and a knife on the other. The design was popular throughout Europe for a short period but eventually died out because of its unwieldy size (it was hard to be discreet about that thing sticking out of your back pocket).

2. Pen Knives

For centuries, people have been using pen knives for various reasons. In the most basic sense of the word, a pen knife is any knife that folds inside of a pen case, such as an inkwell. But there are some features and characteristics on these items that make them much more useful than just a fancy writing utensil.

When folded in with the blade inside, it’s near impossible to open without you knowing about it beforehand which makes them just like any other hidden blade or pistol. This makes these tools perfect for those who want to surprise their opponents with an attack from behind when they least suspect it.

3. Lipstick Knives

A lipstick knife is a hidden tool disguised as an everyday cosmetic. These types of hidden blades are often used by women during robberies, assaults and sexual assaults, or in self-defense against unwanted advances.

The first known mention of a concealed knife being concealed in lipsticks was by an unidentified woman who was arrested at New York’s Grand Central Station on March 3rd, 1892.

The woman had been disguised as a Spanish dancer and used her lipstick to conceal her blade while giving dance lessons to children. The first confirmed appearance of this type of tool was in December 1899 when “Young” Esther Janis hid one on her person when she robbed P. T.

Hidden Blades — Your Cool Defender!

Learning self defense techniques is a great way to keep yourself safe. And while most people forget to carry protection with them at all times, you may also want to consider some of the amazing hidden blades being designed today.

A personal favorite is the pen knife. Don’t let someone snatch your purse if they try to attack you! Just open your pen knife and give that person a sharp cut with your cool hidden tool and save yourself.

